
Terje: The peace breakdown is the Israelis’ fault for wanting to live
The chief U.N. envoy to the Middle East declared Monday that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has broken down and said he fears even worse bloodletting lies ahead.
Well duh!
"The recent cycle of terror attacks and justice extrajudicial killings has broken the Palestinian pretend cease-fire and brought the process to a standstill," U.N. Mideast envoy Terje Roed-Larsen told the Security Council at the start of an open meeting to discuss the troubled region.
What hudna? The one the Israelis observed until the Palis resumed their homicide boomings, of course.
But "while the situation is grave, it is alarmist to speak of the demise of the peace process," he warned.
"A snowball can survive in Hell."
The Palestinians are urging the United Nations to demand that Israel ensures Yasser Arafat’s safety and key Security Council members are urging both parties to implement the peace plan known as the "road map."
Actually, they want the version that authorizes a second Holocaust.
Roed-Larsen stressed that Arafat was the democratically elected Palestinian leader who "embodies Palestinian identity and national aspirations. He is now far from irrelevant."
"Heil Arafat!"
When's his term up, Terje?
If the course to peace outlined in the road map is abandoned, he warned, "we would cede to those individuals and groups that do not want peace."
"YEEOOOWWWW! Fy Lifs just fell off!"
Roed-Larsen accused both Israelis and Palestinians of failing to "seriously and actively" address each other’s concerns.
He ackowledges that the Palis have obligations too! Maybe he’s only 80% beauzeau instead of 100!
Terje? Less than 100% beauzeau? I doubt it...
"For Israelis, that concern is security and freedom from terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, the Palestinian Authority failed again to grasp control of the security situation," he said.
The PA understands it, and wants to undermine Israel’s security.
"For Palestinians, the core concern is an assurance that the peace process will lead to the end of the occupation and the establishment of a viable independent Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders," he said. "The ongoing settlement activity and continued construction of the separation wall cause Palestinians to wonder whether we are moving in the opposite direction to that goal. In addition, Israel has never fully endorsed the Road Map."
Only those sections that were in there. BTW, the Palis have yet to make good on ONE of their fucking promises.
Posted by: Katz 2003-09-15