
Pledge beauzeaux delay recall
Those assholes again. EFL.
LOS ANGELES - A federal appeals court postponed the Oct. 7 recall election Monday in a decision that threw an already chaotic campaign into utter turmoil.
*crunch* "What was that?" "A wrench falling into the machinery."
The 9th U.S. Circus Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the election cannot proceed as scheduled because some votes would be cast using outmoded punch-card ballot machines. The decision applies to all the recall questions on the ballot, as well as two propositions.
Either of them politically incorrect emasures that these beauzeaux fear will pass?
The court, the nation’s largest and most loony moronic liberal federal appeals court, withheld ordering the immediate implementation of its decision by a week to allow time for an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
They’re crossing their fingers that the Supreme Court won’t hear it.
It is the same court that ruled last summer that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional because of the words "under God" inserted by Congress in 1954.
Same moonbats, same wrongness in ruling.
Ted Costa, head of the Sacramento-based Peoples’ Advocate, one of the groups that put the recall on the ballot, said an appeal of Monday’s ruling was certain. "Give us 24 hours," he said.

Both Gov. Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the leading Republican among the 135 replacement candidates, said they would continue their campaigns despite the decision, which could force the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on another highly partisan political issue — one Democrats have said echoes the 2000 election in which the high court declared Republican George Bush the winner.
And this ought to have the same sort of end: the Supreme Court having a moment of sanity and overturneing the lower court.
Schwarzenegger issued a statement calling on the secretary of state to file an appeal on behalf of Californians.

"Historically, the courts have upheld the rights of voters, and I expect that the court will do so again in this case," Schwarzenegger said. "The people have spoken, and their word should, and will, prevail."
"I’ll be back."
Davis spokesman Peter Ragone said the governor will continue fighting the recall effort and supports the appeals court’s ruling.

"Anything that leads to greater enfranchisement in California is something we support," he said.
Then his lips fell off.
The ruling is likely to benefit Davis if the election is delayed to the next regularly scheduled primary, March 2.
I can’t believe the 9th. Circus Court!
Posted by: Katz 2003-09-15