
Extract of Sarkozy's victory speech. (JFM's translation)
I want to make a rally call to those in the world who believe in tolerance, freedom, democracy and humanism, to all those who are persecuted by tyranniees and dictatorships. I want to tell to all children around the world, to all women martyred in the world, I want to tell them that the honor and the pride of France will to their sides. France will be at the side of the lybian nurses he means the bulgarian nurses in Lybia who are in jail since eight years ago, France will not abandon Ingrid Bethancourt raped by the FARC in Colombia, France will not abandon those women who are forced to wear the burka, France will not abandon those women who don't have freedom. That is the message of France, that is the identity of France, that is the history of France.
Posted by: JFM 2007-05-07