
Shiite Mufti praises Jumblatt and asks for help in south Lebanon
The Shiite Mufti of Sour & south Lebanon , Sayyed Ali al Ameen visited today Democratic Gathering leader MP Walid Jumblatt at his home in Klemanso , Beirut and complained about the situation in south Lebanon. At Jumblatt ’s residence Sayyed Ameen was also met by Information Minister MP Ghazi Aridi and MP Wael Abu Faour.

Sayyed Ameen praised Jumblatt for his ‘constructive statements’ following the murder of the 2 kidnapped ( Ziad Ghandour 12 and Ziad Qabalan 25) youths and said it is time now for a positive response from the opposition for a dialogue to end the crises which has crippled the country. He called Jumblatt a “wise statesman with vision”, for the way he handled himself following the murder and for trying to unite the country instead of dividing it . He agreed with Jumblatt that a strong state is the only solution for Lebanon “ a strong state he said “ is the only protection for all of us in Lebanon “.

Sayyed Ameen added : “The state is our only rescue ship . We need a strong state with law and order. Events have proven that a Hezb ( political party) in reference to Hezbollah , cannot protect a religious sect ( meaning the Shiites ) or the nation and cannot create a state . The state of Lebanon can only be created by all the Lebanese . Sayyed Ameen told Jumblatt that the” war has left south Lebanon totally devastated and our people are suffering”. He said “ the government has already helped , for which we are grateful , but more is needed, because the losses as a result of the war are huge “.

He did not mention if Hezbollah has helped. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has pledged during a televised speech immediately after the war started to rebuild all the destroyed homes as soon as the war was over , with “ Halal funds “ from Iran as he called it. Reports from the south indicate that Hezbollah has not delivered on its promises.
The important thing is the promise, not its delivery. Everybody in the Arab world knows that.
Posted by: Fred 2007-05-10