
Suspected insurgents detained, weapons caches found in Iraq operations
Iraqi and Coalition forces detained numerous suspected insurgents and discovered multiple weapons caches in Iraq over the weekend, military officials reported.

Soldiers of the 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, detained a suspected insurgent wanted in connection with a recent rocket attack on a Coalition forces' base near Baghdad Monday. After receiving small-arms fire, troops moved to the suspect’s house and quickly secured the area. The suspect had an AK-47 assault rifle, two ammunition magazines and a cell phone.

In the Iraqi capital Monday, Coalition forces detained a man suspected of conspiring directly with al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders. Inside the targeted building troops found a cache containing weapons and explosives, including bomb-making chemicals. An explosives disposal team safely destroyed the materials off-site.

Coalition forces detained four suspected terrorists in Ramadi Monday for having alleged ties to al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders. This raid was part of ongoing operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq's command structure, officials said.

Also, troops nabbed three individuals in Hit, Iraq, Monday suspected of supplying foreign fighters and helping them move throughout the region. Coalition forces also detained three suspected terrorists Monday near Karmah,Iraq, for allegedly aiding foreign fighters.

"We continue to actively target al-Qaeda and foreign fighter networks to reduce, and eventually eliminate, their ability to attack people and the institutions of Iraq," said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a Multi-National Force-Iraq spokesman.

Additionally, on Sunday, Iraqi Soldiers and U.S. Army Paratroopers captured 25 suspected terrorists in an operation south of Diyarah, Iraq. The raid was aimed at suspects who military officials say are responsible for emplacing improvised explosive devices and conducting mortar attacks.

Soldiers carried out "Operation Mongoose" to capture individuals responsible for recent attacks against Coalition forces and local residents, military officials said...

In other developments throughout Iraq:

Coalition forces detained 11 suspected terrorists during raids Monday morning targeting foreign fighters and al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leadership.

Coalition forces detained three suspected secret cell terrorists Sunday morning, including an alleged senior leader in the organization, during operations in southeastern Baghdad.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2007-05-16