
Border attack kills Army major
Maj. Larry J. Bauguess was killed Monday when terrorists militants opened fire on a meeting between 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers and Afghan and Pakistani military officials near the Afghan border.

A Pakistani soldier also was killed and four paratroopers were wounded in the ambush. The paratroopers were being treated in Afghanistan, according to military officials in Afghanistan.

Bauguess 36, of Moravian Falls, was the operations officer for the 4th Brigade Combat Team’s Special Troops Battalion. “He was where he wanted to be; next to his commander, on the ground, in the fight,” said Maj. Kenneth J. Ratashak, executive officer of the 508th Special Troops Battalion. “If he knew (today) would turn out the way it did, he would have gone anyway. That’s just who he was.”

About 6,000 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division’s headquarters and its 4th Brigade Combat Team are in Afghanistan.

Monday’s meeting was called to discuss recent fighting between Afghan and Pakistani forces. It was held in Teri Mangal, a small border town opposite Afghanistan’s Paktia province. Gen. Akrem, an Afghan army brigade commander who attended the meeting, told The Associated Press on Monday that terrorists gunmen fired on the participants — including about 15 Americans — as they left a school building after the talks.

A U.S. military official in Washington said U.S. soldiers had gotten into a truck and were preparing to leave when a Pakistani terrorist militiaman walked up and opened fire. U.S. soldiers returned fire and killed the gunman, the official said.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2007-05-16