
Soros Paying Agitators To Protest
An anti-war group is hiring activists to travel to at least a dozen states this summer to galvanize opposition to what it calls the "Bush-McCain plan to escalate" the U.S. mission in Iraq.

President Bush early this year announced a "surge" of additional troops into Iraq, while Arizona Sen. John McCain -- a leading Republican 2008 presidential hopeful -- has long advocated increasing the number of troops in the conflict, criticizing the administration for not doing so earlier. Anti-war activists want U.S. troops out of Iraq altogether.

The organization Americans Against Escalation in Iraq doesn't hide its partisanship, saying it wants to "force a victorious showdown in the fall" and that the summer campaign will make participants "primed, ready and qualified to serve on '08 electoral campaigns."

A coalition of liberal and anti-war groups, the organization is advertising online for activists, offering a "generous stipend" of $400 a week. More than 100 organizers will likely be hired. The ads say they "could be assigned to targeted legislative districts anywhere in the country -- you will receive your assignment after you have been accepted."

The group won't release details on the summer campaign until a later date, said spokeswoman Moira Mack.

"We are definitely building up the capacity for the summer," Mack said. "A couple of our allies have started Iraq action summer training camps on campuses across the country."

The coalition comprises MoveOn.org and the Center for American Progress -- both heavily financed by billionaire liberal activist George Soros in 2004 -- as well as the Service Employees International Union, anti-war groups Vote Vets and Win Without War, and others.

Some of these anti-war groups have regular morning conference calls with Democratic leaders in the House and Senate to discuss talking points, polling and strategy, according to press reports.

The summer campaign is a clear example of how the well-financed anti-war left is using the "Vietnam playbook to deny the troops the military victories earned on the battlefield," said Kristinn Taylor, spokesman for the group Gathering of Eagles, which says it supports American victory in the Iraq war.

"The anti-war left is much better funded. They're the squeaky wheel," Taylor said. "Most Americans don't want to lose in Iraq, they're just frustrated because they don't see results. If our side was better organized, we could get more people involved and educate more people."

When anti-war protesters marched to the Pentagon in March, the Gathering of Eagles sponsored a well-attended counter rally. The group will be holding a Memorial Day rally near the Lincoln Memorial.

On May 17, the group Move America Forward will be holding "Surrender Is Not an Option" rallies outside the San Francisco office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and outside the Carson City, Nev., office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Americans Against Escalation In Iraq will take aim at any elected officials who seem to be wavering on their backing for the mission in Iraq.

"We are targeting states that have folks we can win over to our side," Mack said. "Some have spoken out against President Bush, but then, they vote with him."

She said McCain would be an especially key target. "He said we are on the right track in Iraq ... citizens have to let him know he does not speak for them."

The group's summer campaign will run from mid-June through Labor Day. "This is the most important issue campaign facing our nation, and the results of this challenge will heavily weigh on electoral races in '08," the employment ad says.

"Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is in the process of deciding what states to target," said Eve Weismann, spokeswoman for New Jersey Citizen Action, a member group in the coalition. "It will be a dozen states or two dozen states. We will pressure and influence decision makers."
Posted by: Anonymoose 2007-05-16