
Scrap This Bill! (Fred Thompson on the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty bill)
With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security. We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.

Fred Thompson, Blogging at RedState. As a reminder, here is what Fred Thompson was syaing more then 2 MONTHS ago at Fox News...

"I'm concerned about the next 12 million or 20 million. So that's why enforcement, and enforcement at the border, has to be primary."

"I think most people feel disillusioned after 1986 when we had this deal offered to them before, and now we're insisting that, you know, we solve the security problem first, and then we'll talk about what to do with regard to other things — certainly no amnesty or nothing blanket like that."

If we can make it nearly impossible for an illegal to get a job and give the border patrol the authority and resources to arrest illegals and send them back where they came from, more than half the battle will have been won.

Thompson understands that if legal penalties are too high for employers to hire illegals and if government doesn't give them free health care and a host of other undeserved benefits, there will be next to nothing left to attract them or keep them here. Again, FDT to Wallace:

"You know, if you have the right kind of policies, and you're not encouraging people to come here and encouraging them to stay once they're here, they'll go back, many of them, of their own volition, instead of having to, you know, load up moving vans and rounding people up.

Posted by: OldSpook 2007-05-18