
Sarkozy names 15-strong cabinet
French President Nicolas Sarkozy unveiled a broad-based cabinet on Friday, naming a popular leftist and a centrist to key posts in a slim line government that radically reshapes various ministries. Maintaining an election promise, Sarkozy appointed seven women to his 15-strong team and reduced the number of ministers by half by comparison with the previous government.

The new cabinet is due to hold its first meeting on Friday at 4:30 p.m., said Claude Gueant, the president's secretary general who read out the list of ministers. Alain Juppe, a former prime minister, was named as number two at the head of a newly-formed environment, sustainable development, energy and transport superministry. Outgoing employment minister Jean-Louis Borloo heads up a new economic strategy ministry, with Eric Woerth head of a new public accounts ministry that will draw up the state budget.

Former Socialist health minister and human rights activist Bernard Kouchner was named foreign minister -- an appointment that showed Sarkozy's desire to reach out across the political divide, but a move that has also angered the left. Centrist Herve Morin was appointed defence minister, replacing Michele Alliot-Marie, who switched to the interior ministry. Rachida Dati was appointed justice minister and Christine Lagarde agriculture minister. Brice Hortefeux, Sarkozy's closest political ally, will take charge of a new immigration and national identity ministry.
Posted by: Fred 2007-05-19