
Roadside bomb hits Ethiopian convoy
A convoy of Ethiopians fell victim to a roadside bomb in the Somalia capital Mogadishu on Monday as explosions against the government and its allies are increasing these days. There were no immediate release of nmber of casualties. However, according to bystanders a civilian was shot dead by the Ethiopian soldiers after he refused to listen to soldiers’ orers.

“The bomb exploded as the last military truck of the convoy was passing near the compound of the former defense ministry in south of Mogadishu,” an eye witness told Somalinet. The explosion which rocked the area happened around 7:30 am local time.

Shortly after the blast, the Ethiopian forces cordoned the area and arrested one person. Searching for suspects continued. It is the first roadside bomb attack on the Ethiopians since the Islamists were dislodged.
Posted by: Pappy 2007-05-22