
Union hopping mad after Yuengling sez 'Auf Wiedersehen'
Dick Yuengling Jr., fifth-generation owner of the brewery that bears his name, called his employees together a few weeks before their labor contract was set to expire to talk about the future of the business. "Read between the lines," he told them at one point, according to government documents on the management-union feud that followed. Depending upon whom you ask, Yuengling's speech was either a pep talk to urge employees to work harder or an ultimatum to dump the Teamsters union, which is what they did.

The union has been trying to strike back, urging a boycott of the 178-year-old brewery's product. The company says the effort has fallen flat - with "absolutely zero feedback" from the marketplace, according to chief operating officer David Casinelli.

Now, the Teamsters say they are going to try to get state lawmakers to intervene in what they say has been an unfair fight.
Posted by: Seafarious 2007-05-31