
Lee commends President Bush - again
HT Instapundit
STOP THE PRESSES!!! Barbara Lee has just issued her second press release in two days commending President Bush.

The liberal California Democrat, who is among the most vocal critics of the war, issued a statement Tuesday applauding the president for ratcheting up pressure on the Sudanese government to stop the killing in that country's Darfur region. Now, she's acknowledging Bush for asking Congress for another $30 billion to fund his AIDS relief program in Africa.

Lee, however, punctuates her praise with sharp objections to a requirement in the initial request that 33 percent of the funds for international AIDS relief go to programs that promote abstinence until marriage. But hey, it's not every day that these two see eye to eye on anything.

It seems like the president is once again reaching out to congressional Democrats through a shared concern for Africa.
Posted by: Flinese Whutch1826 2007-06-01