
Jihadis Post Scenario for the Defeat of the United States
A Lurid Crime Tale for sure:
On May 14, jihadi forum users Abu Kandahar and Roslan al-Shami posted a five-point scenario for the collapse of the United States and the rise of the Islamic ummah, entitled, "The Next Strikes in the Heart of America, When and How." It appeared on the al-ommh.net forum, although at least one other jihadi forum, alhanein.com, reposted the scenario. The posting outlines a scenario for attacking the United States, although the sheer size of the operation suggests that it is jihadi propaganda and not an actual plan that could be operationalized. The alleged operation is dedicated to Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the head of the Islamic State of Iraq.

The first stage in the scenario involves multiple terrorist attacks on three major U.S. cities, preferably with nuclear weapons, using an unspecified number of trucks.
Well, they better be hybrids or electrics cause President Hillary won't tolerate any global warming violations.
The scenario places priority on attacking New York City because it is the central artery of the U.S. economy and it would prove that the mujahideen are capable of recurrent attacks on the same target.
We, on the other hand, would probably not nuke Tehran more than once.
The second city to attack is Los Angeles, an important West Coast "atheist" city.
Au contraire, Abu and Roslan. As the epicenter of the Hollywood cult and the New Age Movement (state religion of the media-industrial complex), Lost Angels probably has more gods and goddesses than any other city on Earth.
The third "city" to be attacked is Florida because, they argue, it is an East Coast congregation city and has the Kennedy Space Center (considering the description, the statement's authors probably meant Orlando).
Jihadis are obsessively jealous of our space program, probably associating it with our theoretical ability to rain nuclear fire on their pesthole cities any time we choose.
While those are the three primary cities for attack, the writers of the document suggest that if the mujahideen wish to expedite the collapse of the United States, they should also conduct attacks in Seattle since it is a strategic border city; Washington, DC, the political center of the United States; and cities in Texas, since the "biggest oil companies" are located there.
I will send an evacuation order to Fluvanna at once.
According to the writers, the purpose of attacking these specific cities is to cause a sharp decline in the U.S. economy; mass amounts of casualties; the support for the mujahideen by anti-U.S. countries such as Cuba and Venezuela; a decrease in American support for their own government; the withdrawal of the "blasphemous" U.S. military from Islamic territories; mass military desertions; and the inability to fuel U.S. military fighter jets.
Fuel prodcution would have to decline by about 99.99% before we would literally be unable to scrape up enough juice to send our bombers winging away for Pestholistan. Hugostan and Fidelistan already hate our guts and do everything possible to aid the jihadis so there is no advantage there. As for disabling the US military, they would still be unable to control the vigilantes who would wipe out pro-jihad sentiment in a matter of days.
The document also outlines how the fallout from such large-scale attacks would cause the U.S. military to return to the United States in order to conduct massive relief operations. They refer to the example of how Hurricane Katrina overburdened the U.S. National Guard, calling the hurricane a "Soldier of God."
They believe their own propaganda, that is, the MSM and the Rodent Party.
After such attacks, they argue that the Islamic State of Iraq will seize the opportunity to launch mass strikes on the apostates in the Iraqi military and police, paving the way for the third stage of the scenario: the commencement of the golden era of the triumphant Islamic conquests that includes the implementation of Sharia, the liberation of the Arabian Peninsula, the removal from power of "the U.S. ruling family" in Jordan and, finally, the big march toward Palestine. In the end, even Washington DC will fall to the mujahideen and that will conclude the final stage of Islamic control of the globe.
It is much more likely that the Iraqi military and police will take advantage of the US distraction to massacre all the remaining Sunnis.
The scenario appears less of a planned operation than a hope for the fulfillment of a prophecy.
It is really a jihadist version of the Turner Diaries. Tim McVeigh saw how well that worked out.
The supposed factuality of the scenario is based on various verses in the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad's teachings.
and other hash-induced fantasies.
Nevertheless, some of the users on the forums who discussed the scenario asserted that all of the details to execute the operation had already been prepared. One such user, by the alias of Abu Nedal, said, "For your knowledge, the operations are ready and awaiting the orders from our leader Osama bin Laden, God protect him, to decide what he deems appropriate either to strike now or to wait."

Islamist extremists have always fabricated factitious scenarios for victory over the West based on their own interpretations of Quranic prophecies in times of crisis and defeat. Nevertheless, al-Qaeda has shown prior interest in acquiring nuclear materials for use in an attack, and it is necessary to take such forum postings seriously as they display the mindset and the intent, although perhaps not the capability, of al-Qaeda-affiliated militants.
Keep your nukes dry and your missiles fueled just in case. A good supply of hemp, not the smoking kind, might also be helpful.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2007-06-01