
MEMRI on Fatah vs. Hamas
Here's the summary. Read the link for translations.
The current wave of violent Hamas-Fatah clashes is one of the most brutal the PA has known, especially considering that it broke out only a short while after the signing of the Mecca Agreement, which was supposed to put an end to the mutual fighting. The large number of casualties, and the fear that has taken hold of the Gaza streets, have sparked intense protest among Palestinians and Arabs, with harsh criticism directed towards both the PA and Hamas.

Some consequences of the clashes are public statements by residents calling on Israel to reenter the Gaza Strip, and concerns regarding the effect of the fighting on the international community's faith in the Palestinians' ability to establish a state, to honor agreements, and to maintain peace.
The genius of letting the Paleos have a statelet in Gaza free from Evil Zionist control was that they could demonstrate how the would govern themselves in a manner consistent with their unique "national" character. Boy have they.
Among the solutions proposed in the Palestinian media were to launch a third intifada, this time against those responsible for the internal chaos, and to bring in Arab or international forces to keep the peace between the Fatah and Hamas.
Dare we hope? Do we have enough popcorn?
Posted by: JAB 2007-06-02