
Dutch law student may not sit exams in niqab
The University of Groningen is talking with a female student who has been showing up for classes at the law faculty dressed in a niqab, a garment worn by some Muslim women which covers the face entirely, leaving just a small slit through which the wearer can see.

The university says that students must be able to be identified while sitting exams and for this reason the woman has been given several days to consider whether she will remove the veil in certain cases. A spokesperson for the university said this on Friday.

The Dutch student started wearing a niqab to class some time ago. The university in Groningen says that everyone is free to wear what they like, but there are a few situations in which wearing a niqab cannot be permitted. "Students must be able to identify themselves, for instance at exams. They also have to be able to participate fully in education. That also means taking part in discussions. In order to fully participate, the importance of non-verbal communication makes it necessary for facial expressions to be visible at times," the spokesperson said. The university has asked the student if she is willing to remove the concealing garment in these two situations. The spokesperson for the institution could not say what the outcome would be if the student refuses. "We assume that we will be able to come to some agreement. If not, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," the spokesperson said.

He said that Groningen University's policy follows the guidelines set out by the Commission for Equal Treatment.
Posted by: Seafarious 2007-06-11