
Indonesian Muslims say violence not allowed in Islam
Only 2 percent of Indonesian Muslims believe their religion allows violence against non-Muslims, a survey showed on Thursday, but organisers said the figure was still a worry in the country of 220 million.
Carry the one, divide by pi, I get....440,000
The survey by private pollster Indo Barometer and the Wahid Institute revealed that 93 percent of Muslims in the world’s most populous Muslim nation believe Islam does not allow militancy. “A majority of Muslims said terrorism, violence, violent acts towards non-Muslims and using violence to fight vice is not allowed in Islam,” it said.

But it said, the survey also “shows there is a group of people that could potentially be recruited to use violence against others on behalf of religion”.
About 440,000 of them. Minimum.
Over 1,000 Indonesian Muslims from across Indonesia’s 33 provinces were interviewed for the poll in May.

The Wahid Institute was founded by former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid to promote plural and peaceful Islam. Earlier this month, it co-hosted an international meeting of religious leaders to denounce the Holocaust denial.
Posted by: Fred 2007-06-22