
Professional news judgment in action
Peter Suderman, National Review Media Blog

Talk about tough choices. TV Newser is reporting that CNN has bumped Michael Moore from his scheduled appearance on Larry King Live in favor of King’s much-discussed post-jail interview with Paris Hilton.
Actually, this makes a lot of sense. Paris Hilton is no prize, but if I were Larry King, I'd rather be staring at her for an hour than Michael Moore.
Meanwhile on the Paris front, Barbara Walters says the idea of an interview with the socialite “felt tawdry” and that it was somehow “beneath” her. Conveniently, she decided this after finding out that she wouldn’t be getting the interview. Nor did it stop her from writing out her questions when she though it was still on. I guess it's only tawdry when it's on somebody else's network.
Posted by: Mike 2007-06-25