
1 in 10 Britons born overseas
One in 10 people living in Britain was born overseas - a far higher proportion than previously thought, an international study group said yesterday. Record levels of immigration are rapidly changing the make-up of the population, figures released by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) confirmed.
Unless action is taken, ministers said recently, there is a "critical risk" that the mass immigration of recent years will fracture society.
The last census, six years ago, suggested 4.3 million people in Britain were born abroad. But the OECD's annual International Migration Outlook put the proportion in 2005 at 9.7 per cent - or about 5.8 million out of a total of 60 million. In recent years, about half a million people have come to live in Britain every 12 months. Even though this is partly offset by people leaving, the foreign-born population is growing while the British-born population is declining.
Sorta like Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany ...
The OECD attributes much of the recent increase to the decision not to impose labour market restrictions on eastern Europeans joining the EU in 2004. As a result, at least 650,000 have registered to work and many more have come as self-employed. The 4.3 million foreign-born Britons at the time of the 2001 census was itself an increase of about one million compared to 1991. The OECD said the total rose another 1.5 million in only five years - the fastest rate of growth in British history. In the late 1960s, about 75,000 people a year were accepted for citizenship but this fell to about 50,000 following new laws in 1971. The figure fell to 37,000 in 1997, but since then, there has been a spectacular increase. Unless action is taken, ministers said recently, there is a "critical risk" that the mass immigration of recent years will fracture society. Last week, the Government launched an impact forum to gauge how migration is affecting public services and community harmony. A spokesman said: "A points-based system from 2008 will help us selectively admit skilled workers where it is in the clear interests of the economy.''
Posted by: lotp 2007-06-27