
US Congressmen demand access to Qadeer Khan
US lawmakers have demanded direct access to the detained Pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan, claiming that his network is still active and cannot be shut down without his cooperation, reported Dawn News. The US Congress Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee, at a hearing devoted entirely to the Dr Khan network on Wednesday, demanded the Pakistani government allow US lawmakers to question Dr Khan directly.
Try making it an earmark, you'd have a chance then.
The channel’s correspondent reported that the Congressmen were very hostile towards Pakistan, because the hearing was chaired by Congressman Gerry Ackerman, former chairman of the Indian Caucus, and Brad Sherman, “who is also against Pakistan”. The committee discussed two recent studies by the London-based Institute of Strategic Studies and a Washington-based institute on how to check nuclear proliferation. Both studies claimed that Dr Khan’s network was still working and that Pakistan was developing new nuclear reactors, trying to produce energy through nuclear technology and enhancing its nuclear weapons programme. The committee also demanded inspection of Pakistani nuclear facilities, the channel reported.
Posted by: Fred 2007-06-28