
Foreign embassy crime spree in UK?
From the Independent, interestingly.
They crash through red lights, shoplift and obstruct police investigations - and get away scot-free. These are not young thugs, let off because of prison overcrowding, but diplomats representing their countries in embassies in the UK.

A new list of shame, published by the Foreign Office, reveals that foreign embassy staff have been on a crime spree - safe in the knowledge that their diplomatic immunity will protect them from prosecution.
A new list of shame, published by the Foreign Office, reveals that foreign embassy staff have been on a crime spree - safe in the knowledge that their diplomatic immunity will protect them from prosecution.

The offences alleged to have been committed last year range from speeding to theft, assault and actual bodily harm. Diplomats from six embassies, including those of Thailand, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, were alleged to have been guilty of shoplifting, while officials representing Kuwait, Nigeria and the Ivory Coast were alleged to have committed assault causing actual bodily harm.

The rap sheet, released by Foreign Office ministers, shows that scores of diplomats, driving smart cars with diplomatic plates, were caught breaking the speed limit. German diplomats are alleged to have been caught over the speed limit on six occasions. A member of the United Arab Emirates' diplomatic staff is alleged to have failed to stop after an accident, while an Argentinian was alleged to have been guilty of dangerous driving.

However, since foreign officials are protected from being prosecuted because they have diplomatic immunity, the police have no powers to arrest them. In many cases, the Foreign Office has intervened, asking for their immunity to be lifted so they can face prosecution. However, most embassies refused to co-operate. Out of apparent frustration, the Government released a full list of foreign missions whose diplomats had committed offences over the past four years.

The move will be seen as an attempt by the Foreign Office to shame embassies into obeying Britain's laws.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "Of course we expect those serving in diplomatic missions in the UK to abide by the laws of the United Kingdom."

Last year alone, diplomats committed 126 criminal offences, 15 of which would have led to a prison term of a year or more. Over the past four years, the rap sheet has included allegations of child neglect, by Kazakhstan, driving while drunk (Russia), facilitating illegal immigration (Germany) and rape (Morocco).

Saudi Arabian diplomats faced allegations of bribery, an indecent assault on a child, and domestic violence, while South African diplomats allegedly committed indecent assault and robbery.

Nigerian diplomats were accused of arranging sham marriages, going equipped to commit deception, theft, and assault, leading to actual bodily harm. A diplomat from the Congo is alleged to have committed an indecent assault.

Angolan diplomats are alleged to have been guilty of robbery and assault. Staff from a number of embassies were stopped on suspicion of driving while drunk. And a diplomat from Kazakhstan is alleged to have failed to stop for police while driving without insurance and a licence.

Posted by: 2007-07-01