
'Internal enemy' undermining U.S. military, says author
Matt Chad Groening

A New York Times Deviant Renegade best-selling author has just released a scathing new book that exposes what he considers a blatant, well-coordinated campaign by the Left to sabotage the U.S. military.

Hear this report.

Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson (U.S. Air Force - Ret.) is best known as a man who once carried the emergency condom box(es) nuclear missile codes for Bill Clinton. In his latest book -- War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror -- he claims the Left has shamelessly aided and abetted America's terrorist enemies.

"The Left has become the fifth column as a result of the Vietnam War, [and] it has become more and more entrenched," asserts the author. "I argue in the book that I don't think we can win either this war against global Islamic extremism, or any future war, without coming to grips with the fact that we have this internal enemy that we have to defeat from within."

In Patterson's view, that "internal enemy" is attempting to undermine the war on terror. "We haven't won a major war in this country since WWII," he observes, "and the Left has been very, very skilled and adept at turning military victories into political defeats -- and that's what they're attempting to do with the war in Iraq."

Patterson says the terrorists know they cannot defeat the United States militarily -- unless Americans become so demoralized that they run from the fight. He says it is unfortunate that liberals in America are working overtime to make this happen.

[ Editor's note: Webster defines "fifth column" as a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders.]
Posted by: anonymous5089 2007-07-03