
Man convicted of inciting murder at anti-caricatures protest
A speaker at a rally protesting against caricatures of Prophet Mohammed (PTUI PBUH) was convicted on Thursday of inciting murder. Mizanur Rahman, 24, of London, spoke at a February 2006 demonstration protesting the publication of the caricatures in Europe, first published in Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten daily.

Prosecutors showed video of Rahman speaking about British soldiers and saying, “We want to see them coming home in body bags. We want to see their blood running in the streets of Baghdad.” Rahman also had placards calling for the beheading and annihilation of anyone who insulted Islam.

He and three others convicted of offenses at the demonstration face sentencing on July 18. Rahman had pleaded not guilty, and said the microphone had been thrust into his hand and that he was only repeating chants from others. In a previous trial in November, a jury could not reach a verdict on the incitement to murder charge against Rahman, but did find him guilty of inciting racial hatred.
Posted by: Fred 2007-07-06