
Jules Crittenden on Cindy Sheehan's
Sometimes life can be so bleak . . . then something happens.

Cindy Sheehan announces her comeback. She’ll challenge Pelosi if Pelosi doesn’t impeach Bush. My sense of child-like wonder is restored.

But then you have to ask yourself, which is better? Impeachment, or Sheehan vs. Pelosi. Sheehan vs. Pelosi, or impeachment? The toughest of candy store choices. Maybe more of a less-filling, tastes-great kind of moment. It’s like, which Coors twin is hotter? Maybe more of Coke or Pepsi, McDonalds-Burger King thing. It comes down to personal preference, or how you feel on any given day. Do you want your anti-war Dems with secret sauce or flame-broiled in a sesame seed bun?

Sister Toldjah dashes my hopes. Obviously Pelosi isn’t going to move to impeach Bush. Doing an end-run around the foreign policy of the United States to treat with lying, murderous dictators is one thing, but even Pelosi knows there’s no upside to a Bush impeachment. And Toldjah reminds us Cindy has tantalized us with false campaign promises before.

But this time could be different. Cindy has been in the wilderness. It’s cold and lonely and meaningless out there. She announced she was leaving, and nobody cared. She needs to come back. For Casey. Or whatever that was all about.

Blue Crab notes brevity of AP report, wonders if Sheehan’s worn out her welcome with the Bush-bashing press.

Gateway reminds us she actually announced her comeback last week, proclaiming her dream of American concentration camps full of political prisoners, and with a footnote addressing that “Attention Whore” canard.

It’s all so absurd that Tigerhawk wants to know who’s behind the curtain pulling the levers and what does that evil being want? Interesting thought, but I’m a firm believer in the perversity of random idiocy.

Posted by: Mike 2007-07-09