
Fighting bothers EU
BRUSSELS [Where else?]: The EU is ‘gravely concerned’ about fighting between government forces and militants in Pakistan, fearing it may spill over into Afghanistan, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Tuesday. “We are concerned because the frontier between Afghanistan and Pakistan is fundamental for peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan, where many European countries have deployed troops,” Solana said. Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downs said his country is concerned with extremism in Pakistan but backs President Musharraf’s efforts to overcome the menace.
This is a classic example of "pay me now, or pay me later - with interest." Had Perv exercised a bit of firmness a year or, even better, two ago, there wouldn't be piles of corpses today. But the Euros will set their teeth and refuse to pick up on that.
Set their teeth, close their eyes, block their ears and instruct their state-owned media to censor the news accordingly. Because being Euro means never having to pay for things yourself.

Posted by: Fred 2007-07-11