
When Rights Are Wrong
Sure, terrorists may want to blow up your kid’s school and decapitate you. But never forget that they have rights. And they’ll have even more if some in Congress have their way.

Lawmakers are considering legislation that would give “unlawful enemy combatants” habeas-corpus rights (i.e., the ability to challenge their detention in a civil court). But civil law has never governed the conduct of war — and with good reason.

Warfare isn’t the same as civil society. Just as an army cannot function effectively as a democracy (“Okay, boys — how many think we should attack at dawn?”), so the laws of war cannot mindlessly mirror the tenets of civic jurisprudence. They are designed to give soldiers the legal means to deal effectively and humanely with enemy soldiers, civilians, and, importantly, unlawful combatants — those who intentionally violate the rules.

Granting terrorists rights to which they are not entitled wouldn’t make the world a safer place and wouldn’t win over our enemies and critics. Worse, it would make armed conflicts more dangerous for soldiers and civilians.

Posted by: gromgoru 2007-07-13