
A fight to the death on Pakistan's border
Long piece from the Asia Times about doings on the Afghan-Pak border, including construction of an American fire base about 3 klicks in. Naturally, Dire RevengeĀ™ is threatened for the Lal Masjid attack. Lots of eye-rolling and spittle. Just the base paragraphs here, go read the rest.
As a result, a large US base is under construction on a mountaintop at Ghakhi Pass on the Pakistan-Afghanistan (Bajaur) border.

Militants believe this is in preparation for an operation inside Pakistan to clamp down on them as well as to renew the hunt for bin Laden and his associates. As a result, the militants have attacked the new base in an attempt to delay its construction.

"This is a matter of life and death for the mujahideen. We will shed our blood, but we will never let this base be completed," Dr Ismail told Asia Times Online while standing at the grave of his son, who was killed a few weeks ago by US forces while attacking the base.
Posted by: 2007-07-17