
Two Iraqi scientists shot after aiding U.S.
Roger Simon caught this one, from CNN...
Two Iraqi scientists were shot, one fatally, after helping the United States search for weapons of mass destruction, according to chief U.S. weapons inspector David Kay. Kay, who is leading the weapons hunt, added that there has been more help from Iraqis in the past month since better protection has been provided to those cooperating with the effort. Kay told a group of reporters Friday that one scientist was assassinated with a bullet in the back of the head, and another sustained six bullet wounds, but is alive.
Approached correctly, that could make him even more willing to help...
Iraqis helping the Americans have real "grounds for paranoia," Kay said, and members of the Iraq Survey Group are trying to address that to get the "essential" help of Iraqis to find weapons of mass destruction and programs designed to create them. "Don't be surprised by surprises in Iraq," Kay told reporters.
Roger worries that:
In all this gotcha game surrounding the absence of WMDs... the attempt—as the electoral season draws nigh—to blame this one and that one for exaggerating this and that... as if anybody really knew and could know what was going on inside a monolithic totalitarian state... while side shows go on about CIA agents who may or may not have been outted... people could really get hurt.
I was worrying about the same thing last night. The thing that worries me most in the WoT is that we'll lose our national will to break up the terror machines and stamp them out. It's not, and won't be, a quick process, and it won't be without casualties and counterattacks. If next year is anything but a one-issue election, we're in large trouble.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-10-04