
Musharraf sez he'll "liquidate terrorists"
  • Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf vowed to "liquidate terrorists" from his country after the slaying of Daniel Pearl, promising not to flinch in his crackdown on extremism. "I think our resolve increases with such acts to move more strongly against all such terrorists and those organizations that perpetrate such terrorism, to move against them and liquidate them entirely from the country," Musharraf said. "I am going to take this opportunity to express my resolve and the resolve of my government to move strongly, with all our force, against terrorism in Pakistan. If the objective of these terrorists or those who perpetrated this murder was to move us away from our resolve, let me tell them that they are sadly mistaken."

    The general acknowledged last week on a visit to Washington that Pearl's kidnapping may have been part of a backlash against the crackdown on Islamic extremism he announced in a January 12 speech.
    He can start by "liquidating" the ones he has in custody. Omar Sheikh's neck should be a yard long by now. Likewise all his accomplices. Likewise all other members of Jaish and Lashkar, starting with their leadership, followed by Jamiat Ulema Islami fuehrer Fazlur Rehman and his accomplices. That's not something I think he'll do, which means Pervez is just blowing smoke again.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-02-23
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=1947