
Shin Bet, police arrest PRC fugitive
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and police have arrested Popular Resistance Committees member Nahad Akra, officials announced Wednesday. During his interrogation, Akra admitted to being involved in a 2002 attack against an IDF tank near Gaza in February 2002 that left three soldiers dead, as well as involvement in other terror attacks.

Meanwhile, clashes between IDF troops and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip continued Wednesday, with three Palestinians killed by IDF fire. According to Palestinian medical officials, soldiers killed two men near the security fence. In a text message sent to reporters, Hamas said its men were clashing with IDF troops in northern Gaza. However, it was not immediately clear whether the two dead men were Hamas gunmen. Later, another armed Palestinian man approached soldiers, who opened fire, killing him.

On Wednesday night, four Kassam rockets fired from Gaza landed in open areas in Sderot. No one was wounded and no damaged was reported.

Earlier Wednesday, shots were fired at troops and Israeli civilians working near the Gaza security fence. No wounded were reported. In the West Bank, Palestinians threw a bomb at soldiers operating in a village west of Jenin. None of the soldiers were wounded and no damage was caused. Overnight Tuesday, IDF troops came under fire during operations in Ramallah. No one was wounded in the attack, and the soldiers returned fire.
Posted by: Fred 2007-08-02