
Newest Israeli Secret Weapon Used Against Gaza
Eat our garbage, Mahmoud!
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli forces have again bombarded the Gaza Strip, but this time the "forces" were civilians and their "ammunition" a mixed salad salvo of summer vegetables, fruit and eggs, the press reported on Friday.
Up a hundred...left fifty. Fire for effect.
The real army put a quick stop to Thursday's barrage, but those behind the ad hoc artillery bombardment still got their message across.
Hey! You could... put someone's eye out!
For six years southern Israel has been the target of deadly, though usually inaccurate, homemade rockets fired by Palestinian militants. Nine people have been killed and dozens wounded, mostly in and around the town of Sderot.
Great Momements in the Palestinian Space Program...
"Since the government has done nothing (to stop the attacks), we decided to take things into our own hands," Yigal Tzur, who heads the self-styled Sderot Support Committee, told the Maariv daily newspaper. So they built a launcher from piping and filled it with inflammable liquid for propulsion purposes.
Then, taking aim at the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun close to the frontier with Israel, they opened fire -- with tomatoes, eggs, cucumbers, mangoes and even corn on the cob.
Achmed! Jumina! Manna from Allah!
Tzur was wrong when he said the government had done nothing to stop the rocket fire, although it is true that all efforts have so far failed. Scores of Palestinians have been killed in retaliatory air and artillery strikes since the rocket fire first began. The army has also made occasional ground incursions in a bid to knock out mobile teams of rocket launchers.
Screw the Death Ray, Shlomo. Show these people we mean business! Break out the Salad Shooter!!
Posted by: tu3031 2007-08-03