
Nuggets from the Urdu press
MMA’s secret deal with Musharraf
In daily Nawa-e-Waqt, lyrical columnist Irfan Siddique wrote that, according to reliable sources, Chief Minister of NWFP Akram Durrani gave a detailed briefing to the National Security Council on crushing extremists. Is there any agreement between the MMA and the army to crush extremism? During the last few years, many Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives were captured in NWFP by the provincial police. Army operations are going on in Balochistan, where the MMA is part of the government.

Nazir Naji’s trip to a London flat
Columnist Nazir Naji wrote in daily Jang, that if he dodged the bullet of the person appointed to kill him, if there was no suicide attack on the airport, if the plane was not hijacked, if no bomb exploded in Heathrow airport, and if the underground train took him to his destination, then he would reach the flat of Aneeq Naji in London this evening.

Eve teaser jinn in Jalo Pind
As reported in daily Khabrain, jinns have occupied Jalo Pind and started playing with the honour of women. 50 percent of the population has sent their womenfolk to other areas to save their honour. For the last month a ten foot tall, black and bald jinn has entered homes and fondled women. He attacked an old woman and tried to strangle her. Police arrested a Christian Baba Bashir masih because he had statues in his house and was believed to be a master of black magic.

Musk smell from the grave of Ghazi Abdul Rashid
As reported in daily Khabrain, thousands of aqeedatmand (devotees) of Ghazi Abdul Rashid are thronging to his grave in Rojhan, Taunsa Sharrif, and are taking samples of mud from his grave as tabarrak (blessed gifts). Gul Khan from Waziristan said that the grave of Ghazi Abdul Rashid smells of kasturi (musk) and roses. The sheet that covered the body of Ghazi Abdul Rashid was divided by hundreds of devotees.

Karzai pardons Pakistani suicide bomber
As reported in daily Khabrain, Afghan President Hamid Karzai pardoned a 14 year old Pakistani boy. The boy, Rafiqullah, illegally crossed the border wearing a suicide belt to kill the governor of Khost Arsalla Jamal. Rafiqullah said that he met a person in Afghanistan who gave him the jacket. He said he was threatened when he refused to attack the governor. His father, Matiullah, said he didn’t know about the activities of his son.

Extremists critical of “political ulema”
In daily Nawa-e-Waqt, lyrical columnist Irfan Siddique wrote that many people believe that the target of the army in Swat is Maulvi Fazalullah (Maulvi Radio). Maulvi Fazalullah is running a seminary in Imam Dheri that has become famous for its dars Quran course. A large section of the public have become his devotees because of his emotional, fiery speeches and his hostility to the “political ulema.” Ghazi Abdul Rashid also criticised the “political ulema,” and therefore the security of Maulana Fazl ur Rehman was also beefed up.

Don’t let Imran and Qazi influence Nawaz Sharif
As reported in Daily Pakistan, the leader of the opposition, Maulana Fazl ur Rehman, has sent a message to Benazir Bhutto, saying she should revise her political policies and should not distance herself from Nawaz Sharif, else he will be influenced by Qazi Hussain Ahmad and Imran Khan. If the situation remains the same, then they will make emotional rather than political decisions. He said that such a situation would be dangerous for both of us.

Pakistan army equipped only to fight India
Daily Express, quoting from The New York Times, reported that when Al Qaeda was organising in Afghanistan, the Clinton administration was in the dark about their activities. Now that American intelligence agencies are convinced of Al Qaeda’s presence in the tribal areas of Pakistan, they are in the same situation as the Clinton administration was. According to CIA officials, the Pakistan army is incapable of fighting Al Qaeda in the tribal areas, as the army is equipped with traditional weapons and is only trained to fight India.

17th amendment was a mistake
As reported in Daily Pakistan, Naib Amir of Jamaat Islami Pir Ghafoor Ahmad and ex-mayor of Karachi, Maulvi Naymat Ullah, went to the High Court to congratulate lawyers on their successful campaign for the restoration of the Chief Justice. The secretary of the High Court Bar welcomed them and said that if the MMA had not supported the 17th amendment, Pervez Musharraf wouldn’t have been in office today. Professor Ghafoor said that they would make up for the mistake of the 17th amendment.

Saudi Grand Mufti condemns fictitious jihad
According to Daily Pakistan, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, said that Muslim youth should be aware of those who are instigating them to carry out a fictitious jihad. He said that these elements keep their own children away from these hardships, which show their wicked intentions. He said one group is spreading a fitna (mischief) among ummah, and it should be avoided.

Sir, we are with you!
In daily Express, famous columnist Javed Chaudhry wrote that the government killed innocent citizens in Karachi on May 12. On July 10, it attacked Jamia Hafsa and killed more than 2,000 innocent girls and boys. The greatest hero of Pakistan, Dr Abdul Qadeer, has been under house arrest for 1,236 days. Sir, now the people of Pakistan have woken up and will make sure that your decisions are acted upon. Start with small cases, and we are all with you.

Pakistan made for turban not cap
Columnist Saadullah Jan Barq wrote in daily Express, that after every washing (changing of government), the cap of foreign policy shrinks while the head keeps growing. Shaheed Awal (first martyr) tried to insert the head of socialism into it while Shaheed doam (second martyr) tried to force the head of Afghanistan into it. Now, another steel cap is being forced on this head and it has injured the head at several places. We saw surgery on an injury recently. Actually, this head was not made for the cap but for the turban.

Suicide bombing is haram in Islam
As reported in daily Khabrain, the principal of Jamia Ashraful Madaris Okara, Sahibzada Faiz ur Rehman Okarvi, said that suicide bombers are committing suicide, which is haram in Islam, and those responsible have no relation with Muslims. He said the only solution for extremism and terrorism in Islam is that those responsible shall be declared traitors of Islam and put to the sword.
Posted by: Fred 2007-08-06