
Clashes kill five in southern Somalia
(SomaliNet)Five people were killed and three others were wounded in tribal clashes which erupted in Jilib town 400km south of the Somalia capital Mogadishu on Sunday. The fighting raged between militias loyal to the clans of Marehan and Shekhal.

It is not yet clear what caused the latest gun battle but the reports say the fighting ended.
Yup, could be any of a thousand reasons why a bunch of gun-bunnies from rival clans started a fight in a desolate wasteland. Was it a woman or a goat?
The Marehan militiamen who were reportedly belonging to the government troops in Kismayu, the southern port city, took control over the town after hours of fighting. All the dead and the wounded were from the rival militias.

The commander spearheading the militia that captured the town of Jilib, Colonel Abdulahi Hirey said the defense minister had ordered them to crack down the militias that risking the peace in the region. “We have a mandate to fight the gangs that are accustomed to rob bing and killing travelers on the road,” said Hirey.
"We didn't start it, they started it!"
But the chairman of Jilib town Dahir Doro condemned the move in which the town was captured as illegal and occupation on the people in Jilib. “Militiamen from Kismayu have invaded the town and engaged war with the locals, they looted the properties of the people,” added Doro.
"We didn't start it, they started it!"

Posted by: Steve White 2007-08-06