
US sanctions a charitable organization affiliated with Hamas
The United States on Tuesday designated a charitable organization affiliated with Hamas as a terrorist organization nearly seven weeks after the Islamic militant group seized control of security in Gaza.
Presumably it was affiliated with Hamas prior to the coup, as well.
"Hamas has used the Al-Salah Society, as it has many other charitable fronts, to finance its terrorist agenda," said Director of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Adam Szubin in a statement. "Today's action alerts the world to the true nature of Al-Salah and cuts it off from the U.S. financial system", he added. The blacklist also targeted the director of Al-Salah Society Ahmad Al-Kurd, who is loyalist of Hamas since a decade, said the Treasury, participating in weapon deals.

The Treasury added that Al-Salah supported Hamas militants during the first intifada on the logistic and recruitment level, and that this organization attracted support from Persian Gulf countries. The statement noted that this organization was suspected to be affiliated with Hamas in August 2003, but after freezing its bank accounts, Palestinian Authority officials "confirmed that the Al-Salah Society was a front for Hamas".
Posted by: Seafarious 2007-08-08