
10,000 attend Islamic Rally in West Bank
RAMALLAH: A global Islamic movement yesterday denounced the moderate Palestinian leadership in the West Bank as infidels.
It will be ironic when some even more whacked Islamist outlet would declare that Hizb'u-Tahrir are infidels, after all they seem to shun armed jihad. At some point, Islam would be like an Oroboros, devouring itself from its tail. It is only a damn shame that a lot of by-standers will get mangled as a collateral.
At a rally attended by more than 10,000 people in the West Bank, the Liberation Party called for re-establishing the caliphate, or Islamic state, across the Muslim world.

Palestinian security officials said they would not restrict the movement’s activities as long as it does not resort to violence.

In a statement distributed in the crowd, the movement said the Palestinian Authority, a result of interim Israeli-Palestinian peace deals a decade ago, was set up by infidels and is fighting against the caliphate. “It’s known that no one fights the caliphate, expect for infidels or representatives of the infidels,” the statement said. “The employees in the Palestinian Authority are supposed to be Muslims. How can they stand with the infidels fighting their religion and their nation.”

The current leader of the group, Ata Abu Rishta, said pro-US leaders in the Arab world are being used by the US.

Hazem Bader, a member of Liberation Party, said an Islamic state is “nearer than ever,” but that holy war would have to wait until that state has been established.
Posted by: twobyfour 2007-08-13