
Iran sez : US Backing Terrorists, Blaming others
TEHRAN--Defense Minister Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said the US is secretly backing terrorist groups in Iraq and blaming others.

Speaking to the members of Policymaking Committee at the Defense Ministry, Najjar rejected recent allegations made by the US president about Iran’s involvement in illegal smuggling of arms to Iraq, IRNA reported.

He said that while the US president is blaming others, classified information obtained by Iran indicates that the US is now secretly supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and masterminding bomb explosions in that country.
“Iran considers Iraq’s security as its own and believes that a secure and united Iraq could play a significant role in restoring stability and security to the region,“ he said.
Najjar further said that the withdrawal of occupiers and cessation of support for terrorist groups are the only way to restore tranquility and stability to Iraq.

“Welfare, security and development would be materialized by an independent and democratic government in Iraq which would have good ties with its neighbors,“ he said.
The minister pointed out that the US administration is now concerned about reduction of tension and restoration of tranquility to Iraq and the whole region, because their illegitimate presence in the region is being questioned.
Noting that Iran’s strategic policy is to strengthen and expand ties with other countries in the region, its neighbors in particular, he said, “We will never let the US or the Zionist regime create tension in our relations with regional countries.“

Najjar stressed that expansion of defense and security cooperation with regional countries is among Iran’s main defense principles, adding that Iran will further broaden such ties in future.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2007-08-13