
Raids and chaos in southern Thailand
Police conducted search and detained two terrorist insurgent suspects during a pre-dawn raid in this southern border province on Wednesday, while militants created a series of disturbances in Pattani's eight districts on Tuesday night.

A more than 200-man combined military and police force raided Banbadomathee village in Tak Bai district, detaining two suspects and seizing radio transceivers, binoculars, cell phones, two kilogrammes of nails, and remote-controlled bombs similar to that which exploded and wounded Narathiwat police station deputy commissioner Pol.Col. Noppadol Pueaksomon, on April 19. The suspects' clothes and motorcycles were contaminated with explosive powder.

Meanwhile, suspected insurgents created disturbances at more than 20 locations in Pattani's eight districts. In Saiburi district, a police check point was attacked and a policeman was shot in the leg.

In Thungyangdaeng district, Banpiten School was torched and completely destroyed. Eight attackers threatened security guards with guns and stole two computers from the Piten Tambon Administrative Office, before setting the office alight. Staff workers were able to extinguish the fire before the building was

In Yarang district, trees were felled across a road and in Yaring district, bolts were removed from an electric power pole and spikes were strewn on a road.

In Muang district, five public phone booths were burned and two electric utility poles were sabotaged when bolts were remove, while in Panare district, two mobile phone signal towers and Banbo-it School were torched.

In Maikaen district, tyres were set afire at four spots on a road, while in Nongjik district, a trailer, a ten-wheel truck, and a van were set ablaze. Spikes were strewn, tyres were burned, and an electric pole was felled, temporarily blocking a road.

But wait, there's more:

Southern terrorists insurgents struck Narathiwat province in a series of attacks on Wednesday night.

The first attack was reported at a small gas pump in Si Sakhon district. The explosive device was hidden inside a plastic pipe, placed near the pump and set off using a mobile phone. The station’s owner saved lives by shouting to locals to stay away immediately after noticing the device.

In Bacho district, a naval army base came under attack by suspected terrorists insurgents. In Sungai Padi district, military officials exchanged gunfire with another group of terrorists insurgents. There were no injuries reported from either attacks.

Other attempts to bring about chaos to the province were reported throughout the day with attackers placing metal spikes on roads, obstructing major routes by felling trees and burning car tyres. Several people were injured when two minivans drove into trees in Kaluwoh sub-district.
Posted by: ryuge 2007-08-16