
AQ's Northfield Moment
The James gang rode in to Northfield Minnisota to rob a bank. They were met by an aroused citizenery, and the survivors ran for their lives. Witness here that principle applied in Iraq.
In an unprecedented combined action in Diyala Province, Iraqi police and citizen volunteers defeated a coordinated attack of approximately 40-60 al-Qaeda terrorists in the southern Burhitz area of Baqouba, Wednesday, and killed an estimated 21 insurgents, wounding more.

As the terrorists entered the city of Burhitz, a group of concerned local citizens, called ‘Baqouba Guardians,’ and IPs stationed in Burhitz engaged the first wave of attackers, killing seven. At least two suicide bombers were killed before they reached their intended targets, with the bomb vests detonating prematurely.

The IP notified the Provincial Joint Coordination Center and requested Coalition Force attack helicopter support after the first engagement. Attack helicopters arrived and engaged another large group of heavily armed fighters staging near the first attack site, killing or wounding an estimated 14 terrorists.

Approximately six citizens were killed and up to 20 more wounded during this attack. Iraqi Security Forces are continuing to secure the scene, pursue al-Qaeda, and move wounded to the Baqouba General Hospital.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2007-08-16