
Al-Qaeda expert with links to Heathrow plot is released
A computer expert who was accused of being al-Qaeda’s communication chief and was linked to the Heathrow bomb plot has been freed by Pakistani authorities.
Lies! All lies!! He's as innocent as a puppy.
Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan was arrested in Lahore in July 2004 but never charged.
Uh huh.
Investigations had shown that he was the key connection between Osama bin Laden’s inner circle and al-Qaeda’s operatives in Britain and the United States. He had also worked in close association with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 attacks.
Close your eyes, put your fingers in your ears, and shout "Puppy! Puppy!"
Pakistani investigators said that Mr Khan had invented secret codes that enabled al-Qaeda operatives to send encrypted e-mails and messages via the internet. The information gleaned from Mr Khan’s computer after his arrest revealed al-Qaeda’s plans for terrorist attacks against Britain and top financial institutions in the US.
He's innocent anyway! Puppieeeee!
His interrogation helped to break down al-Qaeda’s cell in Britain and led to the arrest of Dahron Bharot, alias Eassa al-Hindi, and nine others. Bharot has recently been sentenced to 20 years jail. Among those arrested was Mr Khan’s cousin, Ahmed Babar.
So he had lots of info on the bad guys on his computer, his cousin is in the clink, but this guy didn't do ANYTHING wrong except maybe pee on the rug a little bit.
Pakistan’s Deputy Attorney-General, Mahbooba Elahi, said yesterday that Mr Khan had been allowed to return to his home in Karachi.
"Go forth, and encrypt no more!"
She gave no explanation as to why he was freed.
Because he looked at you with those sad puppy-dog eyes? Never mind Ms. Elahi: I'm sure us Rantburg people can dream up a few possible explanations.
Posted by: Free Radical 2007-08-21