
Yasser’s cancer
Sorry folks can’t let this go just yet.
I said"Pancreatic,stomach,liver cancer!I don’t give a damn,just die bitch!
Posted by: Raptor 2003-10-9 7:37:16 PM "
Fred you responded with"
"Raptor - Once cancer metastasizes it’s killing its host. The "under 10 months" that Steve mentioned isn’t a pleasant time for the victim, and the end stage is agonizing, despite the fact that massive amounts of pain killers are required. Dying quickly would be a mercy...
Posted by: Fred 2003-10-9 10:26:36 PM"
Please bear in mind,Fred,I am not angry at your response.

My Father died from stomach cancer.I am well aware of the suffering involved.I stood at the foot of my Dad’s bed and watched him die.

In Yasshole’s case,I just don’t give a damn how much he suffers,I just want his ass to die.
Posted by: Raptor 2003-10-10