
Hizb ut-Tahrir gaining support in Paleoland
Because all that Palestine needs is a little more Islam.
By day, they are the middle class, putting in days as mild-mannered teachers, factory supervisors and office clerks. But by night, the growing number of supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Islamic fundamentalists who reject modern democracy in favour of a pan-Islamic religious caliphate, are gathering in the West Bank to recruit the thousands who have grown disillusioned with the vicious stand-off between the secular Fatah and Islamist Hamas.

"Any person living in Palestine now realises political parties, especially the Islamic ones, have not achieved anything for the individual," said Sheikh Abu Abdullah, a thin-framed man with a wiry beard.

He, like many others, says he has given up on both Hamas and Fatah, and will not vote in the next election. "I believe in what [Hizb ut-Tahrir] gives." Its platform calls for the eventual overthrowing of Arab-world governments to be replaced by a caliphate, which would also encompass Israel.

Inside the West Bank, the rise of the Islamist group is being met with increasing concern from secular Palestinians still hoping for democracy and a two-state solution with Israel, as well as from Hamas which is seeing its support eroded by the group.

Calls for early elections have raised fears that Islamist movements will once again carry the legislature - or that so few people will vote that the elections will be meaningless.

"The only thing that is obvious is that Hizb ut-Tahrir is on the rise," said Hani al-Masri, a journalist and political commentator involved in a new secular political movement. "If we do not get new trends, new parties, in the Palestinian arena, a group like Hizb ut-Tahrir will definitely benefit from this vacuum."
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2007-08-27