
PCHR's Wonderful World of Gaza: Weekend Roundup

Gaza – Ma'an – The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights on Monday reported that there is prevailing security chaos in the Palestinian territories after several violent incidents in recent days.
Johnson! Stop the presses!!
On Friday, Palestinian citizen, Muhammad Dhmeiri, from Huwwara, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, was killed. Three other Palestinians were injured in separate incidents in the Gaza Strip, including a woman from Rafah, southern Gaza.
How's it going tonight, Mahmoud?
Oh, kinda slow...

According to the PCHR, the most dangerous incident took place last Friday evening when a heated argument erupted between 24-year-old Muhammad Dhmeiri and a local militant at a wedding party in Nablus.
Bad move, Muhammad.
The altercation occurred while the militant was firing his gun into the air in celebration.
Really bad move, Muhammad.
After Dhmeiri left the wedding with his father and brother, the militant followed them and opened fire at their car, killing Dhmeiri.
Interfere with my gun sex will ya! That'll teach yas!
On the same day, Ibrahim Abu Diba', aged 32, from Rafah was injured in his shoulder while on the roof of his neighbours house. He received a bullet from an unknown direction.
Underground maybe?
In a third incident, also in Rafah, Hazim Sheikh and his wife were injured after a hand-grenade detonated in their home. Hazem Mahmoud El-Shiekh and his wife Maha Samir El-Sheikh were moderately injured by shrapnel from the explosion of a hand grenade in their house in Tal El-Sultan Quarter in Rafah. Hazem was injured in the abdomen, left hand, and left leg; and his wife was injured in the face and left hand. They were taken to Mohammad Yusef El-Najjar Hospital for treatment. Hazem’s brother stated that the grenade fell from a cloth closet that the couple were arranging.
Oh, that's where I left the grenade! Sorry, honey...
Posted by: tu3031 2007-08-27