
Saudis set up force to guard oil plants
Al Qaeda's looking for new headlines now that they're getting their asses handed to them in Iraq. Gen. Patreus will be reporting soon, so I wonder when Iran and the insurgents will start trying for mass casualty attacks?
An attack on the Saooodi-controlled oil fields would seem to serve a number of purposes for a number of people.

Be a shame if we had to occupy those fields to protect them. The Shi'a living there now as second-class citizens under the Master RaceĀ™ might start buying into the ideas their Iraqi cousins have about freedom and democracy. Boy howdy a revolution establishing the Republic of Eastern Arabia along, say, a 50 km-wide strip of land on the Gulf Coast would put us in a real pickle, huh?
Saudi Arabia has begun setting up a 35,000-strong security force to protect its oil infrastructure from potential attacks.

The move underlines the kingdom's growing concern about its oil installations after threats from al-Qaeda to attack facilities in the Gulf, as well as rising tensions between Iran and the US.

The force already numbers about 5,000 personnel, a Saudi adviser said on Sunday. They are being trained in the use of new surveillance equipment, countermeasures and crisis management under a programme managed by US defence group Lockheed Martin, according to the Middle East Economic Survey in Nicosia.
Posted by: danking70 2007-08-27