
Berezovsky lashes out at Kremlin
(AKI) - Exiled Russian billionaire Boris Berezovsky has reacted angrily at hints by authorities in Moscow that he may have been behind the murder of outspoken journalist Anna Politkovskaya. "These are the statements of psychopaths. It (the allegations made against him) are the proof that they are sick, sick in the mind", Berezovsky was quoted as saying by the Milan-based Corriere della Sera on Tuesday.

The British-based oligarch, once a member of former Russian president Boris Yeltsin's inner circle, was reacting to remarks made by Russia's prosecutor general Yuri Chaika implicating him in Politkovskaya's shooting on 7 October 2006.

On Monday Chaika announced that 10 arrests had been made, in connection with the journalist - a prominent critic of Russian President Valdimir Putin - including the direct organisers, accomplices and the assassin himself. Among those arrested as accomplices are people working within Russia's interior ministry and secret services, but it was hinted that the mastermind of the murder was the oligarch living outside Russia.

The person who ordered the crime, Chaika said, was living outside Russia and wanted to "destabilise the situation in the country ... and return to the previous ruling system, when money and oligarchs decided everything." Most observers say that the remarks clearly referred to Berezovsky. But Berezovsky said that the allegations were just part of a Kremlin orchestrated smear campaign directed at him.
Posted by: Fred 2007-08-29