
Now Arizona law chases illegals out
A new Arizona state law to require employers to verify the immigration status of employees is being blamed – and credited – for chasing illegal aliens out of the state. It's the second such development in just the last week: WND reported earlier how a new Oklahoma law requiring the deportation of arrested illegal aliens was prompting an exodus from that state.

The developments are the result of state actions already launched when a brokered plan in the U.S. Senate to create a path to legal residency for the millions of illegal aliens in the country collapsed.

The new report comes from the Arizona Republic, which said the state's strong economy has been a magnet for illegal aliens for years, but the law is looming on Jan. 1. "I would say we are losing at least 100 people a day," Elias Bermudez, founder of Immigrants Without Borders and host of a daily talk-radio program aimed at undocumented immigrants, told the newspaper.

The report said it's impossible to count exactly how many illegal aliens have fled because of the new law, ...
because the illegals don't announce it to the newspapers
... but interviews with immigrant advocates, community workers and real-estate agents confirm the number is significant.

"Some are moving to other states, where they think they will have an easier time getting jobs," the report said. "Others are returning to Mexico, selling their effects and putting their houses on the market."

The report said the number is expected to mushroom as the deadline approaches. "This is exactly what it is supposed to do. (Illegal aliens) have no business being here, none," said state Rep. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, an architect of the law to sanction employers. "Shut off the lights, and the crowd will go home. I hope they will all self-deport."

Companies found in violation of the ban on knowingly hiring unauthorized workers face a 10-day business license suspension on the first offense. A second offense could mean they would be ordered to shut down permanently.

An estimated 14 percent of the 2.6 million workers in Arizona are foreign-born; about two-thirds of non-citizens are undocumented, officials said.
They'll reverse this law in a few years when the businesses have no one to hire, the middle class folks have no one to help them around the house, and the working class notices that everything's going to hell.

Posted by: ed 2007-08-29