
Astrologers differ on what awaits Gen Musharraf
A British astrologer has predicted that the next two months are the most inauspicious for President General Pervez Musharraf, while an Indian astrologer thinks he may be emerging from his recent troubles. The British astrologer, an advanced amateur who goes by the name of SH Shah, who predicts, “Considering the overall horoscope of Gen Musharraf, in my view it is highly unlikely that he could hold the power that he has enjoyed for the last eight years for any length of time. There is at least a 70 percent chance that by the end of this year, he will be out of power.
Right. We needed an astrologer to tell us that.
In his horoscope there are also indications of his changing residence and perhaps settling abroad.”
"Sahib President, the mob is breaking down the door!"
"Time for a state visit to La Belle France, Chaudry!"

Posted by: Fred 2007-08-31