
Chavez Says He Could Govern Until 2027
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez said Sunday he could continue governing until 2027 if voters do away with re-election limits because he needs more time in office to establish a socialist economic model in Venezuela. He has previously said he could stay on as president until 2021 if his proposed constitutional reforms - which among other changes would eliminate presidential term limits, letting him run as many more times as he wants - are approved.
Funny how the end-date keeping slipping further into the future ...
Surely he's being too modest? His loving and loyal subjects will certainly wish to keep him on more or less forever!
So build a glass masoleum and mount him in wax ...
Government opponents have attacked the reforms, accusing Chavez of seeking to stay in power for decades like his close friend Fidel Castro of Cuba. Chavez denies the charges and says a new constitution is necessary to move Venezuela toward socialism and help the country's poor. ``I need more time in the presidency to finish this. We are only beginning,'' he said on his weekly radio and television program, ``Maybe until 2020 or 2027. I'd be old if I'm still alive.''
I'll gladly pay for the truffles and the goose liver paté if it helps convert a critical left main stenosis ...
His proposals would also extend presidential terms from six to seven years, and empower neighborhood-based assemblies called ``communal councils.'' The reforms were initially approved last week by the National Assembly. Final approval is expected within two or three months, and the changes will then be submitted to voters in a referendum.
Posted by: Steve White 2007-09-03