
Residents of a Lebanon village arrest a wounded Syrian militant
Residents of the Lebanese village of Muniyah in coordination with army intelligence have arrested a wounded Syrian militant who belongs to the Fatah al–Islam terrorist organization. The name of the arrested militant is Ahmad al-Labbash The militant confessed that he only recently came from Syria to join Fatah al-Islam ranks in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared. The Lebanese army is currently hunting down 12 Fatah al-Islam militants near the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared. They all escaped on September 2 , the day the army took control of the camp and declared victory

Update : 2:00 PM Beirut time
The Lebanese army has arrested today another Syrian militant that belongs to Fatah al Islam organization . The name of the arrested militant is Mohammad Bin Hamzah el Sheikh Othman . He was able to escape from the camp by swimming to the el Abdeh area in north Lebanon.
Posted by: Fred 2007-09-08