
Michiganistan: Leave Illegal Muslims Alone!
HAMTRAMCK -- Michigan's most diverse city is wading into the emotional national debate about what role local police should play in enforcing federal immigration laws.

As Congress mulls what to do with those illegally in the country, Hamtramck officials are preparing an ordinance to forbid police and other city officials from asking anyone about their immigration status unless it's relevant to investigations or during arrest bookings.
In other words: please obstruct justice.
Supporters say Hamtramck, which is so diverse 26 languages are spoken in its schools, is no stranger to culture clashes and the law would provide a safeguard for immigrants wary about cooperating with police if they fear deportation or harassment.

"We don't want (local public officials) to go beyond their call of duty to carry out responsibilities of federal immigration officials," said Anthony Mosko, of the Detroit faith-based organization Metropolitan Organizing Strategy Enabling Strength. "There's no way to know that just by looking at somebody if they are documented or undocumented."

Such logic outrages foes who say police are sworn to enforce all laws. The proposal, which council members could consider next month, is modeled after an ordinance Detroit adopted in May and is similar to ones in Los Angeles and Chicago. But it goes against a national trend of municipalities teaming with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to allow cops to identify and report undocumented residents.

"If a police officer snatches someone who is an immigrant from the Mideast or some country that we have known terrorists coming from and they have no papers or documentation, (they) should ascertain who this person is and if they are here legally," said Fred Timpner, director of the Michigan Association of Police.
I always thought that was part of law enforcement. If I get pulled over for speeding, the officer runs my plates and my license, just in case.
It's an issue that has resonance in Metro Detroit, where the number of foreign-born residents has spiked 60,000 to 387,000 in the past six years, according to federal statistics...
Posted by: McZoid 2007-09-11