
Another Bin Laden Brat Comes Into Play
Bin Laden son Hamza rises to al-Qaida cause

ON THE sixth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, Osama bin Laden remains free -- but he could now be joined in his campaign by his son, Hamza.
Another target
Militant sources say while bin Laden's whereabouts are unknown, Hamza has recently come to the tribal belt, the al-Qaida stronghold on Pakistan and Afghanistan's border.
Where dear old dad is probably hiding
The news came from a militant who was formerly in one of bin Laden's camps before 9/11 and maintains links with groups affiliated with him.
Hmmm... did we flip this guy?
Referring to bin Laden by his nom de guerre of "sheik," he said: "Sheik's own son, young Hamza, is now here and he is among friends.
How sweet
"No one has any idea where bin Laden is.
Wait until we find out...
"Two-and-a-half years ago he was in (Afghanistan's eastern province of) Kunar and we do not know where he is now."
When we do find out, there is going to be trouble
Hamza, bin Laden's second son and still in his mid-teens, is thought to be taking a senior role in al-Qaida's growing guerilla network in Afghanistan.
Great- a teenager running the terror network. He should be making pizzas or flipping burgers
Bin Laden is believed to have 27 children. His first son, Saad, in his late 20s, is also playing a key role in al-Qaida.
In Iran
An apparently rejuvenated bin Laden, the Saudi mastermind behind the September 11 attacks, showed in a rare video at the weekend he was not only still alive but also defiantly at large, mocking the "weak" US.
Yep- we are SO weak. Until we unleash an arclight strike.
Despite the taunts, the White House has labelled bin Laden as "virtually impotent".
He can't get his pee pee up
He does not appear to be triggering a new attack against the US with his first message in a year, President George W. Bush's Homeland Security adviser said yesterday.
His little nancy boys are going to take care of that themselves, if they can
"This is about the best he can do," said Frances Townsend. "This is a man on a run, from a cave . . . virtually impotent other than these tapes."
I personally think he is in a nice condo with cable and an Amazon account to buy Chomsky books
Al-Qaida has built a new headquarters for global Islamic extremism in Pakistan's tribal areas six years after the 9/11 attacks, analysts and militant sources say.
The rugged mountainous frontier region, home to conservative Pashtun tribes, was the first port of call for al-Qaida fighters fleeing the US-led invasion of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan in late 2001.
Sissies. Keep running, you will die tired
Apart from videotapes there have been no confirmed sightings since bin Laden's stand against coalition forces on the Pakistan border in 2001.
The Al Quida version of Katie Couric
Posted by: Free Radical 2007-09-11