
Oprah on 9-11X6: Forgive, Respect, Raise Muslim Self-Esteem
September 11, 2007
HOprah Watch: Today, Oprah Exploits the Children of 9/11
The use of "HOprah" is rude, worthy of Don Imus.

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATE #2: BINGO! HOprah talks about "forgivenes" with one of the 9/11 kids. Don't say I didn't tell you so. She's so predictable. ****

**** UPDATE: Forgot to mention, but I bet HOprah continues in her tradition of not mentioning that the terrorists were Muslim. ****

Today, on her nationally syndicated daytime talk show, Oprah Winfrey will feature - actually, exploit - the children of 9/11 victims. It's beyond tacky. It's inappropriate. These kids shouldn't be watching her show . . . and they certainly shouldn't be on it.

Posted by: McZoid 2007-09-12